Tuesday, June 7, 2011

June 7 - Bologna, Italy

Greetings from rain drenched Bologna:

I am on my second and last day in Bologna, Italy where it is still raining since my arrival in pouring down rain yesterday.  I have made reservations to head north probably to Paris and then straight to Amsterdam. 

I have just completed ridding (by last count) of 1,070 Km in Greece and Italy.  The next two days are going to be spent on trains going north.  I will update again next when I get to the next Internet Cafe somewhere hopefully without rain and much north of here! 

Miss you all, Behrooz

1 comment:

  1. Looking pretty buff there dude!

    Rode a route last weekend in the sun with great views of Mt. Rainier. I thought of you while I was wishing for an Italian Cafe around the bend. Made do with Jojos in Packwood.

    Back to the rain here as well (we only had a few days respite). At least I can't get burned today.

    Looking forward to the Netherlands report. Saw a great bit on streetfilms.com about Northern European bike infrastructure. Everyone cruising at a sedate pace and looking smug.
