Sunday, June 19, 2011

June 19 - Antwerpen

My family in Holland at dinner

Leaving my cousin´s house in the first & last sunshine of the day!

Riding in the country

Directions, tea, & hostel reservations - from the best family in Belgium!

Beautiful Antwerpen

Antwerpen City Hall

Dinner is served - Salade Mista

Pizza & Wine!

Greetings From Antwrepen Belguim:

After spending three very relaxing and family filled days with my cousin and her family in Bosschenhoofd, Holland, I have started southbound again for Paris.  We had a great family dinner at my cousin´s house, Mandy, her husband Cees, and the kids Yasmin & Daniel.  They were wonderful hosts and really took care of me.  I also got to see my brother and his wife at dinner and at a concert he had in a town north. 

It has been windy and raining everyday in buckets!  But even with the rain and the wind today was just wonderful for the hospitality of the Dutch and the few people I met in Belgium.   One bicyclist took me for about 10 km to make sure I was on the right track.  Later when I was lost again and was trying to find the correct route I stopped in front of a house with a very nice man working in the yard to ask for directions.  He ended up inviting me in, his wife made me tea while he showed me on the map how to go, called the Youth Hostel in Antwrepen and made reservations for me, and had called again later to make sure I had made it!  You can´t find better people.  After I left them, I passed a man with his young son on the back of his bicycle taking him into Antwerpen for a B.D. party.  He showed me the way to the front door of the hostel probably a total of 15 km!  I can`t say enough about the hospitality of the people here.  :)  Their photos are in this posting. 

Antwerpen is just very beautiful with great old buildings.  I wish you were all here.

Love, Behrooz

1 comment:

  1. as we have said we have done this with pleasure
    glad you have found
    always welcome
    tom patty luana joackim
