Friday, June 24, 2011

June 24 - Le Touquet Paris Palage

Hero of my last day in Belgium

Lunch anyone!

Bicycle Tunnel under Canal

Entrance into Brugge, Belgium

For the special Father's Day from Dynakids!

Centreville, Brugge

WWII Battlement in Normandy

View on top of Normandy Hill

Lunch in Boulogne

At the beach in La Touquet

Greetings From Le Touquet on the Normandy Coast:

I finished riding in Belgium two days ago in a hell of a wind and rain, but I had a gereat time.  The hero of the day on my last day was the 65 year old gentlemen pictured with his bicycle as he was departing.  This extremly kind gentlemen was on his way probably to market in the opposite direction I was going when I stopped him to ask for directions.  After some thought he said he would take me to make sure I would find the correct trail that run through a forrest to Brugge where I was heading.  Thinking he meant just a couple of Km out of his way by the edge of the town I thanked him and started following.  We had a great conversation about his love of bicycling.  He rode for 22 Km out of his way to make sure I got to the right trail.  He is another hero of many in Belgium. 

I arrived at the NW corner of France two days ago and rode into Calais for the night in the strongest wind I have ever had to deal with.  At times I could not get the bicycle to go in a straight line and I was not moving even though I was paddling as hard as I could.  From Calais until here I have been following the coast.  South of Calais, I think Normandy starts and with it the battle ground hills of Normandy.  The day yesterday was full of climbs up to wide vistas and back down to cute little villages.  I saw couple of WWII musiums on the way, and a WWI British Cemetry.

I am now taking one day off to rest.  I have been riding about 85 km a day for the past few days - that's a lot for the load (the bicycle and all stuff is at 100 pounds) and the wind!  I will have one more day riding on the coast and then head in land into Paris. 

Miss you all, Behrooz

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