Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Trip Begins - May 17th

Greetings from the Island of Mykonos, Greece.  The start of my trip beign with a flight to London on Sunday May 15th, followed by a very long 8 hour wait in London on May 16th, and then another flight to Athens Airport with a 3:00 a.m. arrival on May 17th. 

The bicycle took about an hour to reassemble, then changing in the midle of airport into bicycle close and then a wait until it started to get light out at 6:00 a.m.  Then an easy 20 Km ride to Port of Rafina and just cauht the 7:50 a.m. ferry to Andors, Tinos, and then I arrived in Mykonos.  No will be bothering me for the next few days because the lady behind me on the Seattle to London flight droped her suitcase on me and just cauht my face below the right eye, so I now look like I just finished a bar fight. 

I have always liked starting my bicycle trips by just riding out of my place in Seattle.  I now undertsand why that's important.  Because you know right away if you have too many things to carry.  It is too late to put anything back when the asembly comes at Athens' airport! :)

Hope you are doing well.  Behrooz


  1. Great blog, Behrooz! Have a great time.
    Hope to meet you over there. I just found out I'll be doing a class in Germany or Belgium soon.
    Thanks for Amazon.com contact.
