Tuesday, May 31, 2011

May 31st - From Pescara, Italy

Greertings - I am fianlly at an Internet cafe - first one I have found in about 10 days.  I completed riding in Greece, in the Port of Patra and left on a Supper-Fast Ferry (just a name) to Port of Bari down in the southern heel of Italy.  On arrival while leaving the Port I hit a bump and broke a connection for one Panneir and a bolt to the rear rack.  I found a marine shop and bought 4 bunggy cords which have been substituting for the pannier connection. 

Southern Italy is poor, flat, hot, and with strong winds coming at you regardless of which direction you go! :) I have finally met a few other cyclists, mostly from Germany and Holland.  I rode with Nils a young man from German for half a day and we stay together until the next morning, when he took off to go inland.  I am still heading north and have finally pulled myself out of the heel. 

I was justing coming into a small town of Oronta yesterday about 2 km away when I got a falt tire and realized the problem was that I had already wore out my back tire after only riding 600 Km.  I walked a very steep hill into the town and stopped at the side of the street to ask if the person knew if there was a Bicycle shop in town.  The man couldn't speak english but was able to tell me he had a bicycle shop just around the corner!  Talk about the luck!  So I bought a new tire, and tube which he fixed for me and also found me a B & B.  I could not believe my luck.  Right before I left I was thanking him and telling him how lucky I was and brought out a poster to show me that he was in a play acting as Jesus!  Well that was just perfect - saved by Jesus in Italy. 

I will be heading north and will try to find other cafe's to update this blog.  Miss you all, Behrooz

1 comment:

  1. Hi Behrooz,

    I'm getting very restless. :) May join you in Sept. :)

