Friday, August 19, 2011

Trip Statistics

One final note on a fantastic trip:

I have been trying to come up with a summary for my trip while looking back at all my experiences; my trip was highlighted by the kindness of people I met along the way.  It was the one constant theme that whenever I needed help or directions, some very kind soul stepped forward to help me along.  I will never forget the kindness I received on this trip; it was exactly the reason for being on a trip like this. 
Now for some statistics about my trip (with permission from my daughter T):

Number of countries cycled through:  6, Greece, Italy, Holland, Belgium, France, and Spain. 
Number of cities visited:  65
Number of hotels:  51
Number of glasses of wine:  Over 150
Number of flat tires:   3
Number of tires replaced:       1
Total distance bicycled:  3,250 Kilometers (2,000 miles)
Number of ferries taken:  7
Number of trains taken:          20
Days cycled through rain:       Too many to count!
